Lakeside Single Story Ranch Modular Home

PLAN 228
1352 SQ. Ft. | 26′ x 52′ 0″
3 bedrooms | 1 3/4 bathrooms

The Lakeside single story ranch modular home features cathedral ceilings to help enhance the tremendous space offered by an open, airy living room, dining room, and kitchen area. Measuring 26′ x 52′, the Lakeside ranch features a master bedroom suite with adjoining bath, two additional bedrooms and a three-quarter bath.

MHPA offers a free, no obligation estimate for homebuyers. Our professionals are stranding by to help you get started. We also feature a wide variety of single story modular ranch homes to fit your living space needs.

2”x 8” SPF Floor Joists – 16” O.C. with solid bridging, double 2 x 8 front and rear perimeter – 24 wide single story homes, and 24 wide two-story homes.
2”x1 O” SPF Floor Joists – 16” O.C. – 26/28 wides.split levels, first story of 26/28 two story homes, and first and second story of 31 W homes – with double 2 x 10 front and rear perimeter.
19132 Agency Rated T&G floor decking, glued & stapled; 24, 26 & 28 wide homes.
23/32 Agency Rated T&G floor decking, glued & stapled; 31 wide homes.

Prices, Materials and Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice or Obligation.

Other MHAP Models

Two story modular home, Clarion

1144 SQ. FT.

3 bedrooms
1 3/4 bathrooms

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