Delaware Single Story Modular Ranch Home

PLAN 263
1248 SQ. Ft. | 26′ x 48’0″
3 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms

With 1248 square feet of living space, the Delaware single story ranch modular home offers homeowners the chance to relax in style. The Delaware ranch features a spacious master bedroom with a private bath, a convenient first floor utility room and a large kitchen, giving new homebuyers comfortable living space. With a standard width of 26′, the Delaware single story ranch is also available in 27’6″ width.

Contact MHAP now for your free, no obligation estimate on your new home.  We also offer floor plans and additional measurements for the Delaware and the rest of our single story modular ranch homes.

2”x 8” SPF Floor Joists – 16” O.C. with solid bridging, double 2 x 8 front and rear perimeter – 24 wide single story homes, and 24 wide two-story homes.
2”x1 O” SPF Floor Joists – 16” O.C. – 26/28 wides.split levels, first story of 26/28 two story homes, and first and second story of 31 W homes – with double 2 x 10 front and rear perimeter.
19132 Agency Rated T&G floor decking, glued & stapled; 24, 26 & 28 wide homes.
23/32 Agency Rated T&G floor decking, glued & stapled; 31 wide homes.

Prices, Materials and Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice or Obligation.

Other MHAP Models

Two story modular home, Wyoming

1420 SQ. FT.

4 bedrooms
1 3/4 bathrooms

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